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  • Writer's pictureFemie C. Goles


The entirety of my very own lesson plan following the Thai format revolves around the development of the learners’ capacity to engage in processes involving the utilization of the English language in a gradual yet meaningful manner.

The lesson focuses on learning about count and noncount nouns, aiming to apply the concepts learned to the four macro skills Since I preferred to visualize everything as much as possible, I made use of flash cards and realia (real objects) to heighten students’ interest and participation,, considering also the fact I cannot throw a lot of questions. For the first strategy, I made use of lecture method with a some sort of question and answer portion in the middle. This is followed by the second strategy which is the group activity. At first, I was hesitant to make use of activities for I was bothered by the short span of time allotted for the class, but my VRU mentors advised to incorporate group activities to let them develop various skills even if it the activities are just simple. Another activity for the production followed by the assessment procedures and the wrap up.

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